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NY Alert

The Village of North Syracuse is currently updating our Emergency Operations Plan.  An integral part of any emergency plan is to effectively communicate to those individuals who may be affected. Examples include: road closures, evacuation zones or where to report for additional information.  In the event of a large scale, county wide emergency, traditional communication methods may be significantly compromised.  For this reason, Village of North Syracuse residents are encouraged to sign up for NY Alert, a Free State wide, all-hazards alert and notification web-based portal.

 By signing up for NY-Alert, you can receive warnings and emergency information via the web, your cell phone, email and other technologies.  Your information is protected and never shared with anyone else.  You can modify what type of information you receive or unsubscribe at any time.  It is a tool to provide you with critical information when you may need it most.

 To sign up you can go to  or click on the link posted on the Village of North Syracuse web-site.

Village of North Syracuse, NY