Summer Programs & Flyer
2024 Summer Day Camp Information: Registration will be available online this year

Contact the parks office for more information.
Kennedy Pool:
Open Daily 11am – 7pm (for the most part) Check our Facebook page (@NSYRPNR) for our updated pool schedule.
Adult Swim: 5pm-6pm daily
There will be two swim lesson session you can sign up for this year:
Session 1: TBA
Session 2: TBA
There will be a charge for swimming lessons this year for every child.
Residents: $30 per session
Non Residents: $55 per session
Swim lessons registration will begin June 1st at Village Hall.
Village Residents MUST show proof of residency to receive the discounted price.
Swim Lesson level signups will be held at Kennedy Park from 1pm-4pm on Saturday June 22, 2024.
Summer Concert Schedule: