Agenda: Planning Commission Meeting – Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM- No. Syr. Comm. Ctr. 700 South Bay Rd., No. Syracuse
Add’l Correspondence 72122 Planning Mtg
Please Take Notice that as per the Mayor of the Village of North Syracuse, in response to the continuing emergency circumstances caused by COVID-19 pandemic, shall conduct its Planning Commission Meeting on July 21, 2022 commencing at 5:30 PM and to be held at the North Syracuse Community Center at the corner of South Bay Road to Centerville Place unless otherwise specified. The public shall be allowed to attend the meeting following the guidelines. Persons wishing to view the meeting shall be allowed to do so by viewing of the Village Facebook page. Further, the public is encouraged to offer its comments in writing to the Village by email communication to no later than July 20th, 2022 by 10:00 AM. All comments will be entered into record and distributed to all board members. Fax communications will also be accepted and may be sent to Brian Johnstone at (315) 458-5079. Mail comments should be sent to: Village of North Syracuse Codes Dept., 600 South Bay Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212. All meetings of the Village will be recorded and later transcribed. The transcriptions will be made available online upon review and completion as soon as possible.
5:00 PM 30 Minute Work Session
5:30 PM Call to Order
Approval of Minutes of 3/17/22
Twin Trees III Realty, LLC (Louis Rescignano)
310 N. Main St.
Site Plan Review & Approval for Extension of Sunset Clause
Brolex Properties, LLC.
444 S. Main St.
Site Plan Review & Approval for Extension of Sunset Clause
Gregg Lancette, Chairperson
Planning Commission